The Power of Play by Carlos Barbosa, LSW

Does your child struggle with emotional or behavioral problems? If so, play may be the answer to your troubles.

Most parents find themselves playing with their children from time to time. It’s a natural consequence of parenting. Even if you, as a parent, tend to avoid engaging in play, your child most certainly has approached you with the intention of telling you all about their favorite toy, TV show character, or game.

If any of this rings true, then you have been given a wonderful opportunity to build a trusting, loving, and connected relationship. Ask a child therapist about how they work with kids, and they’ll almost certainly tell you about a game they play, or about the use of toys in their office. Research has shown that 15-20 minutes of special play time with your child can have significant benefits in the areas of mental health, impulse control, and ability to better manage emotions.
 If this sounds interesting to you, and you’re looking for some help with your child’s emotional or behavioral difficulties, check with your local healthcare providers and ask if they have training or certification in the areas of Filial Play Therapy or Parent-Child-Interaction-Therapy (PCIT).

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